Editorial v.s. Fine Art

Fine Art food photography puts more of an emphasis on the food . In contrast to Editorial photography the recipe is not included in the photo. In Fine art photography they often use shallow depth of field to focus on certain points of the photo. Fine art food photographers show the beauty of the food. Often with the food styling they will use glues or paint to enhance the photo since it is for the beauty not actually eating.
Differently, Editorial food photography places the emphasis on showing the food in appealing way so people will try the recipe. Often the recipe is on the photo or there may be multiple photos surrounding it. In editorial food photography you want to make sure the viewer can know what the food you are photographing verses fine art where the photo can be more abstract.
Carrie's Presentation:
I loved Carrie's presentation. It was very helpful how she showed us examples of what to do and what not to do, so we could easily see what makes a good food photograph. I really loved how in her presentation she talked about how you can still incorporate your personal style in the photos. In the examples she showed us you could see how she personally likes using natural lighting and likes to keep her photos pretty simple, really highlighting the food. Also her tips on using tarnished silverware so you don't get hot spots in your photo was really useful.
Carrie's Presentation:
I loved Carrie's presentation. It was very helpful how she showed us examples of what to do and what not to do, so we could easily see what makes a good food photograph. I really loved how in her presentation she talked about how you can still incorporate your personal style in the photos. In the examples she showed us you could see how she personally likes using natural lighting and likes to keep her photos pretty simple, really highlighting the food. Also her tips on using tarnished silverware so you don't get hot spots in your photo was really useful.